MP4 movies are a snap to convert...right? Then again, they can be huge headaches. It all comes down to a little know how. :)
Therefore, in our never ending quest to further simplify and clarify, here is a little generalized list of how to convert movies on your Chinese MP4 Watch and other MP4 players.
If you already knew this and figured this out all by your lonesome then congratulations oh great grandmaster of MP4 players. If you do not know how or searched around the internet endlessly and still don’t know then we sincerely hope this helps.
Please emember that this is a generalized "how to" for the conversion of movies.
If you think it needs more specifics for your MP4 Watch or other MP4 Player, then tweak it according to your own specific needs.
1. Take the Mini CD that you got with the MP4 Watch or MP4 Player, put it in the computer, and open the CD.
2. Click on a folder with words like "Converter" or "Conversion" or something similar to that in the file name. There might also be other names, and it might not even say converter, but a quick look inside the files should tell you what the program is for.
3. Sometimes you need to install the converter, other times it can simply be clicked and dragged to your desktop. Click on the converter icon, and if it brings up a installation program, install it. If it opens the conversion program, just click and drag it from the CD menu to your Desktop for quick use.
4. Now you have downloaded your converter. If it was installed rather than clicked and dragged, click the main "Start" for your computer and then go to "programs". Locate the program you installed. Click on the icon that says the conversion format (SMC, NVX, ect.), or looks like something that has to do with movie files.
This will open the conversion software. You can now use the converter any time from your start menu, but we recommend that you click and drag the converter icon to your desktop so you can find it easily later on when you need it.
5. Open the Conversion program and you should see a screen with input file/ source and output file/ target somewhere on the menu screen. Or perhaps it may something else. This can change depending on the conversion software. Basically, just look for the buttons that are able to be pushed. They are the first ones you will need.
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6. Choose/Find/Steal/Download a video file to convert for the MP4 Watch Player (it must be one in a format that is advertised as compatible with the MP4 Watch or other MP4 Player) Also, we suggest that you put the video file somewhere easy to remember on your computer (for example on your desktop ) and give the video file an easy to remember name to make the next step simpler.
7. Push input file/source, click it and some kind of browse menu should come up. Choose the movie file to convert (remember what we suggested in Step 6? Aren’t you glad you followed it now?) Push output file/target, and choose where the file will be go after the conversion (again on your desktop where it is easy to find) and what the file’s name will be (if you want to change it).
8. Find some button on the menu that says start, or convert, or just looks suspiciously like it might convert files, and push it. Conversion will automatically take place after you push it, and the converted file will go wherever you told it to go (remember step 7 and the output file advice).
9. Plug your USB into the computer and to the MP4 Watch or MP4 Player, and after you have connected and opened the MP4 files, click and drag the movie file to the MP4 Watch or MP4 player. You don’t have to create a special movie folder, and you do not have to put the movie in any of the folders already on the MP4 watch or MP4 player in order for it to play. The MP4 Watch Player will know it is a movie.
10. You should now be able to view movies on the MP4 Watch or MP4 Player when you go to the movie icon and choose that movie file to play. Congratulations, you should now be able to import movies to your China Made MP4 Watch or MP4 Player.
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